Honestly the whole rend part of our battletome seems so random. Why does our giant dinos have less/same rend on jaws/horns as a Skink Priest with...
He might have thought that he could do it, since the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon can increase his save and get Ethereal Amulet. The rules are...
Yep, but it has no effect since Ethereal Amulet ignores modifers to the save.
3+ unrendable. ;) I play a lot of Ironjawz too and I do love my Maw Krusha.
He said the T-word!
I think Sword of Judgement is a very real artefact on the Scar-Vet on Carno. I dont think you should ever go for stuff like Doppelganger because...
Without having done the math, I highly doubt that. But even then, mathhammer only gets you so far. The MK has a 24"+ charge as threat range so it...
Yeah this is my thoughts too. I will largely be focusing on the Skink part of the book, so my view is from that point. First of all they really...
Balewind for Kroak (+ Astrolith) is a must in my book. Bound Purple Sun seems great too - Zero risk of it eating your own units and it is great...
I dont really see the point of this list in Dracothian's Tail. What are you gonna deepstrike with the ability? The list would be much stronger in...
Yeah it is kinda funny, because a Carnosaur is nowhere as dangerous as a Terrorgeist or even a Maw Krusha. Granted there is a significant...
Keep in mind you cant cast Endless spells through the Troglodon (unless he uses his 1 cast to do it himself), but you can use him to bomb the...
Honestly I highly doubt they will change any warscroll. Cards etc have been printed. The most they will do is correct ambigious rules.
I mean almost anything in the book is "viable" to a degree. I totally think you can field the army and have a good run with your buddies, but I...
Balewind is so great on him tbh. You can do cheeky things like putting the Balewind 1" in front of Kroak, suddenly he got like 10" extra reach...
Im suddenly rather sad that we cant mount Kroak on a Dread Saurian.
I think his point was that having multiple EotG in Coalesced to summon Saurus Warriors is a better summoning mechanic than going Starborne and...
Saurus is perfectly fine. Saurus Warriors can get quite beefy with all the Oldblood command abilities etc. Saurus Knights is a thing too...
RAW as is you can only roll once on the EOTG chart regardless of how many models you have, so there is no point in bringing more than 1. I...
I mean it is pretty common that a new tome changes things up and some people lost things they deeply loved and dont like direction the new tome is...