Oh and beware if he takes shadow, Occam's mind razor on elves is ridiculous. (ST 10 Elves) definitely save a dispel scroll for that one.
I was thinking it was a 2 or 3 man operation, probably a couple of college students or something.
probably light speed and other saurus boosting spells. (initiative 10 will negate the ASF re-roll shenanigans)
My Skinks didn't last long... but yea, meat shield is often a job for Skinks. but they are probably a better core choice over Saurus. just make...
Shooting in close combat is not usualy a thing in 8th edition... though Wood elves may have a character who could do it... I don't recall.
yea, it's a lot of fun.... Be sure to protect it's flanks though.
getting any magic through un-countered and un-dispelled is the challenge.
Bring fast units. Wood elves will generally keep running away and shooting you from as faraway as possible. A solar engine Bastidon might be a...
Oh it's a cast latex game mat from Zuzzy, (doesn't come painted) http://www.zuzzy.com/2013/09/the-ruined-land-scourged-forest-gaming.html sadly...
Oh yea, you might consider trading the stegadon for more salamanders or maybe razordons, if you have more. baring that perhaps a unit of...
YEP, unassembled in box is probably your best bet if you plan on selling them.
lol yep. [img] ps. different head will make it a chimaera instead of a hydra.
Man I hated fighting High elves... I think you are on the right track though. bring lots of anti-magic equipment. and your lucky he doesn't have...
ahh I see it's one per movie, Sadly we miss out on the Obi wan vs Grevious fight. ... now that I think about it there where a lot of prequel...