Ok I've been working on the Warmachine Models I won a while back, and I'm just doing the final touches, Expect pcs soon. Also I owe you guys pics...
Lost legion spotted on reddit.... [IMG]
They are less elephant, and more of a woolly Oliphant*. *(see lord of the rings)
Fangs of Sotek: sounds like this one might include Jungle swarms.... Dracothian's Tail: No idea, though it does sound a but Saurusy...
You can always smooth up green stuff after it's dry, with either sandpaper, a file, or just a sharp hobby knife.
1)How extensively do I need to paint the models to be playable in store? [ATTACH] :shifty: (as you read this there are probably models looking...
Looks like you are off to a good start with your collection... Ps. your oponents.. Those would be the Stormcast Eternal. (gold colored knight...
Have you tried a ceramic palette ?
.... I was once in the fan club, if that's any indicator.... :artist: and I may or my not have an attic full of LEGO sets... :shifty:
:artist: This might help.... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/
Well that's just crazy talk, now how am I supposed to play my 1,000 Skaven slave army* now.... *I don't actually own any Skaven models. :P
Skaven slaves where the cheapest unit in 8th edition at 2 points each....
Revan ??? Is this guy from some non-cannon videogame source or something ? Think I'll go with Kenobi, since Ewan McGregor mentioned that he was...
^ You might want to check out wardens large thread of Mayan art for inspiration......
Nicely done. :D although I think your Nebula could use some brighter blue patches to help it stand out a little more.
.... you should. Just sayin'. :greyalien:
yea, it seems like they tried to cram most of his downfall into like 15 minutes of episode 3....
[SPOILER]oh one other thing, the palace roof is still the the original roof... you can see the rough wood timbers under the outer stone layers.
The thing I remembered from my visit is all the bits of obsidian set in to the stonework, specific all of the eyes but also some other random...
:oldman: I believe they where a bit large, mostly except for the skink looking ones... IRC...