^ I'm with Crowsfoot, mostly I'm just painting these days....
HELP!! I can't make a decision - troglodon or carnosaur - engine of the gods or stegadon - slann Mage or lord kroak - stegadon/engine of the gods...
@n810 Sorceress portal... yea, I think I can work with that... Maybe some sort of Fargate... [spoiler]
<--- when you are the first Slann. :meh:
.... so not steel bases then, cardstock or plastcard then ? Mostly I was wondering what you used for such thin bases. Ps. I'm still in 8th...
Nice kite... :snaphappy:
Not bad, :D though that piece above his arm looks a bit painful... :nurse:
Seems legit... (here's my sprusaurus priest) [IMG]
... Whoa. [IMG]
Nicely done all around, :D I'm curious about your bases, they seem to be one piece for the whole unit, did you magnetize all the models with a...
I actually found several brands of vegan and vegetarian cat food... :meh:
@Dragonfire HERE YOU GO. :D [ATTACH] or if you prefer [ATTACH]
I use this stuff, basically it's semi gloss clear acrylic paint. [spoiler]
the original forgeworld model Didn't come with a base. :(
Inks are generally very pigmented, but also transparent, Glazes are inks with some medium in then to make them more transparent, Washes are the...
perhaps with a bit of work, to make it less toy like, and a lot of paint... :shifty:
One that I repainted stayed tacky for years through several coats of paint .... :(