.... Yea I found that out the hard way.... What method do you use to prime PVC models ?
... Centuries long comas..? :couchpotato:
Lets do a few on our effective local officials... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
If I must, I must... N810: Pyramid Temple
Seems like we have at least narrowed down the problem a bit. o_O:meh::shifty: ```` :cyclops:(IE) Edit: o_O and now Firefox doesn't want to...
[ATTACH] WAIT.... WHAT.... it seems to be working from Firefox.... let me go back and try IE again.. .... sigh nope, IE still broken. at least...
yep I can confirm I still can upload new pictures from anywhere.... haven't tried editing old post yet.
testing a different PC with a different browser in a different location... Welp it's definitely something to do with my account...
... no idea what's going on, I'll just have to wait for Red Devils time zone to roll around...
.... what am I looking at.... is there a missing picture ?
I can under stand not likening Asoka at first, she is a bit annoying in the first season of clone wars, but as the series progress you see her...
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/photobucket-no-longer-a-free-image-sharing-servise.19846/#post-198296 YEP.
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/photobucket-no-longer-a-free-image-sharing-servise.19846/#post-198247 "Photobucket no longer a free image...
You can get a lot of the basics form this site: http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/
You may have maxed out the resolution, while keeping the file size low enough... or maybe it's an unsupported image type..? test: .... wait......
... Yea I have like 60 pages full or something like that....
Well My old account was working until today, Just saying. I'm good on Lustria, But my old Warseer account is worthless now.
[img] Yea, this is now temporally permanent until you pay them between $100-$400.