He's a dragon turtle... It's totally a thing in Chinese mythology. [img]
Here's an avatar sized version if somebody wants him. [ATTACH]
.... sounds like hard sales pitch by a GW employee. :meh: ` ` ` :greedy:
"You can ensure your Oldblood survives if the Carnosaur dies by not sticking him onto the saddle when you build him." - this sounds like some sort...
I think I may have taken the opposite approach and painted the sigials first with reckless abandon, and then for the second coat carefully painted...
Yep all the dinosaurs cause at least Fear, the stegs and carnasaurs cause terror. (kroxogors also cause fear)
smaller (should be 24.5k) [ATTACH]
^ you just discover my old favorite build. :D
At least they are easy to paint... :sorry: [SPOILER]
... Obviously they are trying to appeal to Mellienials. :oldman:
Maybe we should just call it grass hockey... :wacky:
Does he still get rerolls if he faces another ASF weapon ?
... you mean THE SPACE MUMMIES !!! :blackalien:
... for some reason I was thinking WS.... perhaps I am confusing the dueling blades with the 10 int sword.
Also WS10 gets rid of his ASF rerolls. ... and I think you may be hitting him on a 3+
"ASF and better Initiative" this means he also gets to reroll his missed attacks... IRC. "The Fencer's Blades are only for models on foot as...
[MEDIA] (the original)
You MIGHT get lucky with the blade of realties... or high level magic. but otherwise it's the standard answer of... Kill it with massed ranged...
Bring extra cannons with engineers.
500 skinks....? :confused: kidding aside, IRC that was one of the top 3 cheesiest builds in Warhammer.