You may need to green stuff him a stronger bicep.... Just sayin'. :meh: this too
have you seen the High Sauruan Article ? It's stickied somewhere on the site.
Welcome to Lustria, looking forward to seeing your painted models. :D
@tom ndege Clearly he is from Jamaica. [ATTACH]
Unleash the Purple haze !!!
... Glanced at the polls.... [img]
The Guardian - From Alpha Flight. (More or less...the Canadian Avengers) with the guardian being the Captain Canada. [img]
^ link has issues edit: :bag: ... well now it works.
Finally got my Saurus Calvary model from @woogity.... :nailbiting: :wideyed::woot::eek:o_O:D:cool:... Definitely the highest quality miniature I...
He is the sole exception, normally generals can't be BSB's.
er.... you can't take Focus of Mystery (high magic) and wandering deliberations (default spells from all 8 lores) at the same time.
Yep they are real, I have actually been there. :D
.... The A-Team ? [SPOILER]
.... I think it depends entirely on your army composition, but yea all of those are good. Ps. also wandering deliberations, where you get the 8...
^ yea that was the other rumor I heard.
... why can I only like things once... here have some spider men instead......
signs point to Norscans (Norsemen from Skeggi) ...
(not my pic) this might give you a better idea of how thick the mat is... like I mentioned it's made of a thin latex ruber [img]