oh okay. I wont use nail polish remover then. The stegadon is in the freezer at the moment. Does anyone know if vinegar works as a solvent for...
I will be sure to try the nail polish remover and if that doesn't work I will go ahead and try freezing it. Thanks for your advice!
Hello all, I am in the process of building my new plastic Stegadon and I glued on one of the heads and now I decided that I would rather have the...
Ya I was thinking either tomb kings, brettonia, or orgres. but it would be cool for them to be the first to be redone after the new rulebook comes...
Does anyone know anything about which army is going to be redone yet or if they are going to redo any army before the new edition comes out at all?
All of your work is awesome! I love it. I really like those harpies. I had a similar idea but I am going to use daemonettes instead of...
That model is absolutely amazing. The conversion is really cool but the paint job just tops it all off. I wish i could paint like that. -Thomas
I totally forgot about cupped hands of the old ones. That is a really good idea. I will try that out next time. Thanks!
Wow, those are awesome! I love your work.
So my list was very combat and magic focused; i had a slann, an EotG, another priest, temple guard, saurus, etc. I got the first turn and i was...
Armies i hate to play are dwarves because of the massive amounts of shooting including the organ gun. I also dislike tomb kings because of the...
When I run a slann list I always go with the power that lets him add one "free" dice. I find this helps him dominate the magic phase but i was...
Cool thanks for the help!
Hello all, Does anyone have good tactics for fighting daemons with four really nasty heralds including two heralds of khorne that are capable of...
Wow that looks amazing. I wish i could convert something and make it look that good. Good job with the green stuff shield it really makes the...
Yes my Kroq Gar model came with a shield as well but i use him as kroq gar mostly so i just never used it. If u want a better maiming shield the...
Gimme some time and i will have a list put together...thanks for all ur help :D
idk the squigg and its armour just look a bit too savage to be a stegadon
well he usually runs all combat with dual hydras and a very mean black guard unit with always strikes first. He usually ahs two units of harpies...
wow those are awesome ;)