I think there may be some confusion here. I think Pinktaco was advocating running his 11 krox in ranks of 4-4-3. But it was slightly confusing,...
Personally, I think the Bastiladon is better - the beam is better against things like Chimeras and chariots, and there aren't a lot of great...
I think the Ancient Steg is more versatile vs. WoC than Salamanders are. The Steg will be a solid choice no matter his army composition. But,...
You can put the flaming banner on the Slann, so they don't have to give up the razor standard. Also, they might not bring trolls; I only brought...
Just so you know, an Ancient Stegadon averages 4.5*(4/6)*(3/6)*(4/6)*2 = 2 wounds against the demon prince. Also, it's not super clear how impact...
Do you have a strategy for dealing with a Demon Prince, or potentially a horde of Trolls, with your current list?
That's correct. I'm pretty sure the steam tank impact hits are based on number of steam points used for movement, and you're limited on how many...
Congrats. I'm glad it worked out! You should type up a battle report. My standard list packs an Ethereal Slann and a Scar-vet character bus....
The second clause is not dependent, it just has an implied subject (in this case, the attack). This is extremely common. The sentence "Go to the...
Um, DE cold one knights are WAY better than lizard COR. They're S4, with automatic lances for free, meaning they hit at S6 (two higher than us)....
I disagree with ManOWar. Both your krox block and your character bus will devastate his armor units. You'll kill the stank in only a couple of...
I suggest switching to 2 units of 5 ripperdactyls, and using the extra points to hook up your scar-vet with the Armor of Destiny and a great...
I'm sorry, but I don't agree that the sentence can legitimately be read both ways. The statement "this attack is resolved at Strength 10" is a...
I love ancient stegadons, but they're only OK versus AS 1+. They're also big cannon targets. But if you're going to bring one, definitely bring...
That is amazing. Please tell me you take commissions!
Unfortunately, ancient steg is not a great counter to 6 demigryphs. His impact hits only average 3.75 wounds vs. them, and he does almost nothing...
You're correct, mounts don't make supporting attacks, just the riders. So only the front 3 demigryphs get to attack or stomp, while all 6 knights...
I still don't think trying to invest heavily in magic is a great plan this edition. It's highly random; even with power scroll and rod, your 1...
A good Scar-vet load-out is Dawnstone, Charmed Shield, and Sword of Might. Gets him to 1+ AS, while striking in initiative order, resistant to...
Re: Naked/almost naked Slann viable? - opinions, experiences I've had lots of success recently with a battle Slann. Ethereal Slann BSB with War...