As far as hand weapons vs. spears goes, which is better is situational. Spears are better against enemies with low toughness / armor. For...
Turns out a skrox block in the flank will break almost anything. As long as that thing isn't stubborn. >.> After doing a lot more math, my new...
I actually didn't know they were stubborn. That really sucks :(
First of all, cold one does get to get strike in a challenge, and it goes first due to great weapon. The kit I'm assuming is the most durable...
In my opinion, not really, no. There are a couple of things Krox can do that cowboys aren't so great at, like taking down a steam tank or a large...
The point isn't to get rid of the banner, it's to kill the wizard. The banner is largely irrelevent outside of protecting him. You're losing...
Charge in a cowboy and issue a challenge (or just direct attacks, as the situation dictates)? 9 attacks from the white lions do less than 1 wound...
I don't understand your question, but here's how hatred works with Predatory fighter. - First, you roll to hit. - Then, you re-roll your misses....
Really, the topic isn't that controversial. Pretty much everyone has figured out that Skrox aren't as good in a fight as an equivalent block of...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? See my earlier post for different ways that can be interpreted.
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? Technically, all three of those rolls should miss by .07 inches if the shot is...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? You're right that the angle also matters, but I don't think it actually has the effect...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? The issue isn't the size in millimeters, it's the size in inches. They're close to,...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? If you have a base handy to measure, let me know the difference in length (in inches)...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? It still makes a theoretical difference, because it's easier for the cannon ball to...
The standard kit-out is Great Weapon, Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone, Other Trickster's Shard. An oldblood with this kit is one of the toughest...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? Also, I don't think the diagram on the last page is right. To my knowledge, the...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? The fact that the rippers are immune to panic has also been impressing me.
Amusingly, I just posted the breakdown yesterday:
Bloodroar is very good. LD8 models have only a 48% chance of holding against it, assuming no BSB in the area. The real problem I have with...