That's pretty insane! Over here in the UK a Giant is £31 while the siege giant is £38. Not a massive difference, but forge world is still more...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) Nice one guys! I notice that they didn't mention the allegiances on the GW website...
I'm personally more of a fan of the one that starts with a 'D'. But that's just me, I quite like excellent customer service and 25% off. Only any...
I thought the skinks on the first steg looked a little flat (like he hadn't highlighted them), it could be the angle but... apart from that it...
Yeah, I just checked when I played TK last night. It would seem Blowpipes an't quick to fire, sorry for any confusion caused. I think it was...
Actually, Blowpipes are quick to fire. They updated them in the 8th ed rule book. If you look in the common weapons lists, you'll find them in...
Thinning is definitely a must! What I recommend is using a White Undercoat, then thinning your paints almost to a wash like consistency. Then when...
Ugghh... Kroq Gar.... My Carnie too flippin' ages to go together, finally had to pin it all and fill the gaps with tonnes of GS! The rider was...
What are you saying strewart? Mine with a bit of luck (and Berona's timewarp and speed of light) managed to hack their way through 30 Chosen in...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***) That's looking really sweet! The river looks really still and clear, not what I...
Hey Guys! I'm looking for a Skink Priest w/ Cloak of Feathers and as many Stegadon crew as you can muster (The new plastic variety)! As I'm...
Just wondering whether you've got any stuff left? I'm interested in the OOP Cold One Cav, are they the normal box set or 5 standard troopers? I'm...
Which issue of WD were those photo's in? My next months issue hasn't arrived yet, so how did you get yours? Those models are looking pretty nice,...
No worries, I though others might as well benefit from my massive collection of old WD's. And as GW haven't made money on the ones in question for...
Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you decided to take the path of the Old Ones over that of the vile rat spawn! Your models are looking really nice...
Welcome to the forums! As you may see we are a thriving community here, (There are loads more guys on here since I went 'offline' for a while)....
Hey Guys! Sorry it's been ages, but I've added Tichi Huichi's Raiders and Pirazzo's Lost Legion to the list of files. These are both from when...
Ifyou don't mind looking at some other al;ternatives, the Dark Eldar Clawed fiend might make a good krox....
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 6th***) Wow! I only just noticed this (I've been away for a while) And this is just amazing!...
Yay! strewart loves me at least! Ahemm... I only really after a very basic round design (preferably without a boss), as I'm planning to do a bit...