Re: Some of my Lizardmen Blue sounds good for the steg! You cold invest in a spray gun or the like and try that (I've never tried 'em myself,...
Re: Some of my Lizardmen Their looking really nice! I've just started painting my Eldar with a white undercoat, and boy does it speed things up!...
67 views and nobody has welcomed me back to the forums yet! You guys don't care about me do you? (sniffle) I''m thinking of converting my one...
Temple Guard and Banners are your answer, take a unit of TG and give 'em the banner that makes 'em more resilient to shooting (I can't remember...
Welcome to the forums! Liziards are a great choice for your next army (although I am rather biased) and a Gila monster themed army sound pretty...
I'm a Light guy myself, I find that buffing all of your battle line within 12" to WS10, I10, +1A and ASF is just too delicious to resist. I've...
Nice! He was actually 5th ed if I remember correctly... (Though he could well have been 4th ed as well). Nice to see a pretty good attempt to...
Likin' the frog there! He would make an awesome Slann! (or Saurus, or Skink, or anything else you care to name!) I've never seen a poison dart...
Hey Guys, my first post on here for flipping ages! Suffice to say, I've been derailed by other projects and back injuries (one of which I'm still...
Re: Converted Cold One Blog.. Updated with WIP pics!! I is very scared now! Please take your disturbing complements elsewhere. Anyway, Those...
And if you and your friends all get a deck you can play Warhammer snap!
Aren't you refering to the old Blood Dragons army that was converted to be all HE Skeletons? Don't remember what WD it was in, but it was...
Hi Guys! You probably already know this, but I thought I'd tell you anyway. 8th Edition is know available for pre-order! You can get it from GW...
Go for it! My poison dart frog Slann looks awesome! (Well, if I do say so myself) Mine is Black w/ Blue stripes and that looks really nice ans...
That would be nice! Please post piccies if you ever finish it!
You don't know how much I wanted to select the last option, but I restrained myself! In my opinion there is a lot of wine-ing goes on (none...
Woops! Just checked the section on Skirmishers and they can't shoot after marching (DOH!) My friends aren't going to be too happy when I tell...
Krox looks pretty nice now! The only things I would suggest are the teeth look a little flat (e.g. one colour only) and so does the gold, if you...
Yeah, That's an Arcanadon! Think it was converted using a Kroot Great Gnarlock and Carnosaur bits. Thunder Lizards are even bigger!
You can also march ans shoot if your skirmishers! (usual -1 to hit penalty) You can target any model in a unit provided one of your models is in...