Don't Worry!!!! I found some from Ebay and have got that!!! Is it possible to now delete the thread?
Hi Guys!! I'm converting a big regiment of Skinks and am short of one sprue. Do you guys have a spare Skink Sprue? Or know where I could get...
Hoofs?... What Hoofs? These are Lizards! Hoofs are for mammals! Like Cows and stuffs. We Lizards have no need for such clumsy appendages!...
Sorry 'bout that, didn't realise it was the standard! On the Taleworlds forums it's 200x200, this allows better resolution without being too huge!
Is it possible to have a higher Avatar dimensions limit? As 100 x 100 pixels is pretty small and some images become very pixelated at this size....
The High-Elves get them because both their races go a long way back. They have fought a died together since pretty much the rise of the elves....
Hi Guys!!! I have been fiddling with my Saurus Oldblood conversion for about 18 months now, it's definatley an on-off project!!!! However, while...
They're Pretty nice!!! I like the colours! What I do for my Lizards is to paint all the areas in a flat colour, like you seem to have done, then...
WOW!!! Those Reaper swarms are really nice! THX for the links, it'd be nice if Reaper would make some jungle swarms.
Hi Guys! didn't know if this was the right place to post it but here we go! Do you guys know of any alternative jungle swarm models? I'm thinking...
Very nice!!! They'll look great ranked up!
Hi Guys! Well thanks for all the replies! My personal opinion is that Kroxigors should have the same strength as Minotaurs and higher toughness....
Yeah! I know what you mean, it also really doesn't make sense as Scar Veterans now have more Strength and Toughness than Kroxigor! It's Madness I...
Have you guys seen the rules for Minotaurs in the new Beastmen book? GW seem to have decided that Kroxigors are overpowered with S5, then they...
Hi Guys!!! I have finally decided to finish off my Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur conversion and am short of a few bitz. Does anybody have a spare...
Hi Neo! Welcome to the forums, you'll like it here! It has been remarked frequently that LM players also collect elf armies, I myself have been...
Woops! little typo there! I meant to say toothbrush but it came out as paintbrush! Hope I didn't cause any confusion. Soz, Bez
WOW! That's really nice! Not quite 'Eavy Metal quality,but, then who is? I'm not. Keep up the good work, and post more piccys soon please....
DETTOL, DETTOL and more DETTOL. Doesn't melt plastic! Strips metal fine! Just stick 'em in some Dettol overnight, then attack models with an old...
I know the feeling about wanting to win against WoC. I have never used Mazdamundi but he looks pretty good rules wise. Slann on Stegadon what...