Hi mosph! Welcome to the site (although an admin probably should have said that) I think you'll probably like Fantasy, it's a bit more...
Hi Guys!!! Don't know whether this is the right place to post it, but here we go anyway. I have recently created an account on will host for...
Hi Guys!!! Just a little query, would it be possible for me to post attachments with my posts? Maybe even temporarily, as I still have all the...
I personally try to feed Archaon as many small Heroes or units as possible, in the hope he will roll loads of 1s and execute himself! Although a...
Nice one!!!! I have always used Cheap Stereo Speakers for my PC, but We have some really nice big Speakers for our Sound System and although they...
I always use the Sword of Might, as I don't often play against opponents with regenerating troops and my main opponents have lots of Heroes which...
Nice!!! Looks a lot like some of the older stuff from 5th edition rather than the latest stuff and that's a good thing!! I like retro models and...
Soz can't add attachments, is there anyway you could temporarily allow me too post attachments? Cheers, Bez
Hi Guys!!!! I thought that it would be cool to have a thread were you could tell everyone about your most amazing model or unit and their...
Pretty Nice. One or two thing I could recommend. 1. When you really think your done add a wash too the models skin if it is a blue wash or a...
WOW!!!!! Nice one!!!! Very nice, not much I can suggest with such a lovely model, only the joins are rather obvious and when you have finished...
Hi Guys!! As far as I know Lizardmen can't hire Giants (I've got the white dwarf from when they were revamped). I still have the dogs of war and...
My way of dealing with Fanatics is very simple... Ally with an Empire player and let his units take all the pain. He also takes some small units...
I personally use Dettol for stripping paint. Just leave the model in overnight and then attack the mini with an old toothbrush. Remember to use...
Very Nice! The only thing I might suggest is toning down the banner somewhat and the sheilds look a bit sixties, you know dots, circles,...
Just in case you don't find it or you haven't already I'll give you the basics here. Basically poisoned weapons mean when rolling to hit any...
Soz this is a bit late!!! But if you do read this, well read on. If i remember correctly in the previous edition of the army book only one...
Hi Leviathan! I can suggest a few tips for painting that I have picked up over the years ;) I would suggest drybrushing the scales, but NOT the...
HI Guys! Just some ideas if i remember correctly In one of my White Dwarfs ( of which I have many) Andy Hoare did a Mazdumundi conversion (this...