Gold or bronze tips
Does anybody have a better colour scheme for the darts around their arms?
Hi, I am painting my units of skinks but not doing as well as I'd hoped, I was wondering if anybody could post there own methods on painting these...
How long have you been sculpting things like this and have you made any other lizardmen themed creations you could show us?
I have found out the maximum unit size is 20 anyway. Thanks anyway guys :)
Hi, I have bought a skink regiment and have given them blowpipes, what I was thinking was: Does my set have missing blowpipes or can I only make a...
Cool, could you post a photo; it would be really helpful
Great painting on all the models, some pictures of the slann base would be good. The outcome you get is great, I think you should stay slow at...
Would it be possible to create a hero riding a horned one ( a converted cold one) I think that would look great as an army genrral
Thanks, I'll look into doing that
Is it necessary to undercoat with a spray or not? Thanks
Hi, I have ordered a my first set of units (cold one cavalry) and a hobby starter set; my question is what would be the easiest way to get good...
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 It's a great scheme you've come up and it would be great to know more oabout your techniques
I think it would look good with the main body bluefish couloir then the scale parts being the yellow colour - I think done right would look awesome!
Thats incredible, I think you've done the weapon really well!
As a monster one of the GW Lord of the Rings Drakes would look excellent. It wouldn't take much converting (maybe just adding a rider or just...
Thanks, I might give that a try
Hi, For a lizardmen army maybe a desert kind of paint scheme would work; browns and greys, and use of washes to create a dusty kind of look. Any...
If you type in on YouTube painting Slann Mage priest there is a great tutorial by richiebushralina. Hope that helps.
It make take more work but I think it would look better with the platform on his back