Ah cool thanks
I thought this was him
I am digging up my old 90s lizardmen... But who is this guy?
Now I am excited..
It sounds like It's makes you a better player. Perhaps even better at playing different army's later on.
That is just what I wanted needed even... It's sounds awesome!!!!!! Thank you.. That corner thing is so cool.
There's plenty of ways to make LoN move fast.
Yes? Rewarding how?
It's sounds like fun.. and tough witch is fine
Hmm... With skink re summons we can be resilient right
Yeah seraphon, is probably the army for me... It was also my first army back in the 90s And almost got my paint scheme figured out
Seraphon noob here LoSaT the dobbelt teleportation?
Well with the FEC play style it's agressive all the time... I would love to try something different.. maby magic heavy or movement schanagins......
Hi all, just looked in my old boxes and found some old lizardmen models from the 90s some outdated some perfectly fine... I got a FEC army but...