This is where being a legacy faction with low chances of an FAQ or errata really is gonna stink. Email GW the question, but don't expect a ruling...
If you take TG though, you can easily shift off of the slann. And then fly is going to make the big guy hard to catch in combat, as you can always...
End cut off weird and the spam filter still won't let me edit. it 45 minutes later. Just wanted to add with 2 Skink Units and no krox, one would...
Just in case anyone hasn't thought about it, would be great if the LM&SA list threads had the prefix options for The Old.World and Warhammer Army...
You could possibly some $ and get old school Saurus that match your TG better by hunting down Start Collecting Seraphon boxes. Snag 2 of those and...
Personally not a fan of sallies this edition and think for shooting you'd be better served with 150 points of scouting Skink skirmishers. Not...
Trog I think has the second biggest glow up (behind carno) from 8th. With the limit on 1 Slann, arcane vassal is bigger deal now IMO. And a good...
=== Lizards [2000 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen, Lizardmen === ++ Characters [939 pts] ++ Slann Mage-Priest [405 pts] - General -...
To me lore familiar is a trap when we have Wandering Deliberations that doesn't use up the arcane item slot. Cupped hands is just so nice. Not...
IMO the problem with anything other than wandering deliberations is that the Slann can't join temple guard. Every discipline has spells with a...
Yeah. Slann BSB now pretty much auto-take for his command range
Well no one has characters outside the arcane journals, so this is to be expected. Kroq-Gar is the biggest dissapoint in that regard to me, as...
The Trog is also an Arcane Vassal with the Oracle With Priests and Old.Bloods directly competing for spots, this vassal attribute may cause the...
From what I am seeing, at in the early "meta" as it were- armies with Level 4 Wizards are "better" than armies without. So you either need a...
Trying to make lists today and fitting in alot of dinos is tough
well 1- its 12" range, not 9" 2- slann are flying fast bois now. Get 'em where you want. 3- arcane vassal is a thing. So a skink priest or or trog...
As far as I can tell, the shield has the same effect with a HW or Spear. So same AV for us. What spears do is allow the second rank to make...
Yes, but you get to make supporting attacks with spears. With us being Initiative 1, its possible that when you take a charge, you will loose...
The issue with the lore familiar is its one discipline IMO. So lets say you stick with elemental for the Signature, which you could take already...
So I've bee a reader of Lustria Online since a little bit after WH The End Times, but never a poster. Long term aspirations to do a lizardman...