I've thought about sticking one of the Saurus Standards in the middle of the Temple Guard standard to make a 'three-headed' BSB before. If you...
Over at Druchii.net, you can see my Dark Elves try to turn the tables against my Lizardman army, played by a friend. Its a real nailbiter that...
He's suffering from the disease brought from the old world by the invaders!
Well, I'm excluding the free Discipline too.
I actually had about 50 pics to upload! Sadly, imgur decided to stop letting me edit them about halfway through, so this will have to do for...
Saurus Cohort [attach] Lets talk colour schemes. When I started Lizardmen, I knew straight away that I didn't to use the GW scheme or any other...
The One Who Fights for the Honour of the Gods, Champion of Glory, Scar-Veteran of a Thousand Battles, aka The Challenger. [attach] A simple...
Slaan - The One Who Contemplates the Doom of All Things & The Third Pillar of the Silent Vigil, aka Hypno-Toad [attach] [attach] I decided to...
... How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Speed Paint. Well, I promised a battle report and that didn't happen. So instead I took some pics...
Ah, the Movement characteristic is actually fully named Movement Allowance, meaning that you are correct it cannot go over 10. Thanks!
Probably more of a rules question, but on the FAQ Timewarp is changed from Movement to Movement Allowance, which presumably means it can go over 10?
Anybody who has a LD 9 wizard lord can get a maxed LD through the Standard of Discipline. High and Dark Elves are great examples because they can...
Elves. Also, the build you mention doesn't exist, as you are counting more than 4 discipline at once. The closest that I can get is rumination,...
Alas, my game this weekend has also be cancelled. Some people are so unreliable! I have, however, put together a map from my last High Elf game...
Love the giant blade and the use of headdress as shoulder pads. Definately steeling both of those ideas!
Skrox units. Nothing but Skrox units. And plenty of skirmishing redirectors to pull the buses out of position.
Rumination, Mystery, Cupped Hands, Standard of Discipline BSB and MR2 if I feel I'm going to fae a lot of Magic missiles.
That's an amazing Scar-Vet, great pose and so simple!
Thanks for the feedback! I'm making a couple of tweaks to my list for next week. The War Banner is out on the CoC, and the Banner of Eternal...