I've been running a Scar-Vet on foot with Sword of Battle (+1 attack), or Great Weapon and Armour of Destiny, in a big unit of Saurus Warriors...
Base-x-of-war have some great Lizardmen scenic bases, mostly using ruined glyphs. I've been using a few for heroes and whatnot, then just basing...
Of course. I'm not saying that you should always use only 3 or 4 dice, or never use all your dice up. Just that because you can doesn't...
You can happily avoid miscasting by gaming the system. Remember its more likely to happen the more dice you use. With a level 4 mage, I try to...
I couldn't see a post about this, but has anyone noticed that in the new finecast range the only Lizardmen model thats been released is Kroq Gar...
I've brought a stegadon with war spear chief three times now. In the first game it only got a handful of impact hits. In the second game I rolled...
Oh, don't get me wrong - I have no problem being slow. Its a nice disadvantage to overcome. Half my regular opponents play elves of one variety or...
Advantages: Powerful magic. A slann can dominate a magic phase. Rock-solid infantry. Saurus Warriors are amongst the toughest core infantry in...
... Really? If the Carnosaur does survive (if), then mathematically speaking with 4 attaks on a 5+ he's landing 1-2 hits and almost guarunteed to...
Hmmm... losing impact hits are a bit of blow, and a rather surprising one at that. I don't think its particularily overpowered or difficult to...
Just seen this book myself. Got to love GW idea of balance. Base warsphinx is cheaper than the standard stegadon, with better stats (WS, T, Ld),...
What would you guys advise: one unit of 3, two units of 3, or one unit of 6? I'm playing a joint game with high elves vs chaos and vampire counts...
So long as they cut back on all armies equally, I'm cool with it. By which I mean everyone has x magic weapons, y banners, z arcane items, etc.
I've found metal not that effective with lizards. Sure, you can do a bit of damage. But you don't have anything to give you the edge in combat...
I have found the following works pretty well against chaos. I've jsut started playing them recently and have a couple of victories, though I...
You think that's unlucky. I played Chaos the other week with 4 salamanders in two units. First turn: both salamanders in one unit misfired and...
Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods is great against Wood Elves. Not so much useful otherwise except as a scare weapon. I occasionaly roll an...
I've actually found the unit is pretty good without a Slann, as it means I'm more willing to get it into combat. 20 in ranks of 5 have been a...
That's what I thought, too. My chameleon skinks have been effective in almost every game so far - but that's against T3 elves, or weak wizards....
So having had his Wood Elf army thrashed in 8th edition successively, one of my regular opponents has sold his soul to the Dark Powers and started...