Re: Totzro's paintlog Wow! I'm loving the retro miniatures :) Paint scheme looks really nice and the old copper looking shields look good as...
Looks good! I really like the contrast of the black on blue. I would highly recommend an Asurman Blue wash over the skin for some shading effects...
Anyone else just get the email!?!? Not only is the Oldblood being made a finecast, but they are releasing a completely new model!!! [attach] Have any of you guys seen these? They are pretty cool aside from one HUGE problem I have with them.. They are...
Thanks for the advice and encouragement guys! :D I'll make sure to post pics of them completed soon!
Re: New Paint Scheme.. Thoughts or opinions? Okay guys, changed the shields like you suggested. I like the outcome :) [attach]
Re: New Paint Scheme.. Thoughts or opinions? Thanks guys :) lol I actually considered using scorpion green for the shield but feared it would...
This is the color scheme that I am thinking about using on my army and I was wondering what you all thought of it. It Is undercoated with Chaos...
Re: Dark Muddy Yet Shinny Lizzards - A newcomers paint log. Very good job :) great color scheme! Now I wanna see some close up pics of the champion!
I recommend taking the cold one cav champion and using him as a mounted scar vet for your first few games since the battalion normally lacks any...
Well, they are all done for the most part. They are base coated in Adeptus battle grey. I just need to decide on what type of wash I wanna give...
One Paladin down, 4 more to go :jawdrop: SO MUCH DETAIL
Wow, great idea :) Can't wait to see these guys painted!
I'll be painting my 5 Grey Knight Paladins for this painting challenge :) [attach]
Thanks man :) Much appreciated!!
Are there any differences in painting the new resin minis? I just got Lord Kaldor Draigo. Can I just use my same old techniques from plastic, or...
Primeval Series 5 :D thats what I'm watching right now while painting my Grey Knights
Just say this army on GW's daily post! Nice Work!! :D
Love the idea! I agree about the Slann protection issues, but as you said, You're willing to give up functionallity for the look of the army.
lol I LOVE this idea :D