Well im glad to see that you all want it as badly as I do :D maybe it will happen afterall. Glad to here your input on it! I like the idea about...
Since The new storm of magic is releasing monsters, I got thinking. I know that everybody is hoping for the thunder lizard, but what about the...
Agreed! I NEVER leave home without my trusty Slann :) Its just not a true Lizardmen army without one!
Welcome to Lustria!
Do you mean sacred spawnings? if so, then nope. they nixed them in the current army book.
Unfortunately no.. Forgeworld doesn't pump out new product for WHFB nearly as often as they do for 40k. I wish they would do a neat Lizzie unit,...
Here are just a few Skinks and a Suarus Warrior from my new army. They're far from being finished, and they're few in number(There are a lot more...
Any unit that is at least 10 models wide is counted as being a horde. Warriors in a horde can make supporting attacks from the third rank, not...
I was surprized by how interesting my girlfriend found Warhammer. She loves the painting aspect of it and actually asked to paint some a few...
I always like to paint before basing, but thats just my personal opinion. Agreed. I saw a sallie down at my local shop that had scorched grass...
Oh lol Before I thought you said it was JUST Archers lol My bad
I agree with both of you lol So should we say that since they are fundementalists that act out through the noble intentions of their masters...
I'd honestly tell him to make a legal list or you'll quit playing him. I'm never a whiner because I love the game, but it's an illegal list at the...
Wow lol you've seriously been away from painting for that long? And you're still better than me! Looks great :)
I know I've heard mention of it but I can't for the life of me dig up any information on it though. Even Lexicanum is drawing a blank on it!
I requested to Join :) I'm Alex on Facebook
I Pre-Ordered the Collectors addition a month ago :D Sucks that Thats all they're releasing at first though lol You guys that don't buy the...
Welcome aboard! :)
LOTR Return of the King. And Big Fish is deffinately in my top 5 :) Ewan mcgregors best movie hands down!
I think it's a neet concept for the dashboard, but a failed one. I like the clean white colors, but it just looks to cheap and boxy. It might as...