Wow, That Argentina vs Greece game was pretty intense.
So, I was browsing through my email and got the new GW newsletter. Anyone read it? It talked about the "Island of Blood" Box set and from the...
Ancient Steg with twin blowpipes for sure.
Looks amazing! :D
Good job man! :D
God I love the old sixth edition Krox's so much more!
I just had to vent my excitement :D :smug: I'm living in the Northwest but I'm Boston born and Raised! The Boston Celtics play lakers for their...
I'm From America and I'm still rooting for England lol :)
Yeah, They mentioned it's release a while ago. It's supposed to kick Warhammer onlines ass lol Lets hope cuz WAR wasn't very good. I'd rather play...
Here's my work area lol it's were I do anything Warhammer related. It's pretty cluttered but Semi-organized :)
Oh my god I want the collectors edition so bad!!
Wow, Looks Amazing! :D
Looks good man!
Looks great so far. Just take the advice everyone else has given to you and it'll look amazing :D
They do look tropical lol and iguanas are green. And honestly everyone says they look like big frogs, but to me they look like large bloated...
Eh, They're unnecessary luxuries when it comes to cost and you can definitely use the points better. I like to run em with a Slaan though just...
Well hey there, glad to have another member on Lustria :)
Welcome! We're always glad to see knew faces.. eh, Avatars around the forum lol :)
lol No. Games workshop is only acting as a minor spokesperson for UltraMarines the movie. They are not funding it in any way. The most they have...
Yeah lol I didn't stay to see the battle play out but my friend did and apparently the Dark Elves won.