I decided to make an all skink army list just for fun. What do you guys think? Heroes -Tiktaq'to -Skink Priest on EoTG w/ Rod of Storm and...
It's intended to be converted. I really think WHFB needs their own version of Apocalypse and Lizardmen should get at least the thunder lizard and...
I was unaware of that lol that I wouldn't mind so much since that is a pretty huge book but still, for $90 it better be full color and have a...
This is outrageous! Games workshop jacked up their prices again. Terradons and Kroxigors are $2.25 more now which makes them $17.25 and $22.25. As...
Well May has come to a close and I finished assembly :D How'd you guys do?
Good deal lol Cuz that list was frickin CheeseballSuarusRex
Yeah lol Not legal at all. Only one character per Steg since it's a mount.
I pledge to paint my 12 Skink Skirmishers :D
Yeah lol I'm 17 so I guess I escape that title.
Lol yeah, it's a big side bar in fantasy battle and 40k rulebooks. I've been collecting Eldar for about five years now (40k for about 6 1/2 all...
Well I won :D It was a fun little battle and not really all that much to be proud of but it was enjoyable and I officially love lizardmen. I'm...
Wow, Great job! :D Going above and beyond.
Just got my lizardmen Battalion from GW in the mail monday :D Must say, Top notch product just like everything else they make. I am now...
Gotcha Masterslaan ;) Just five days left, hope you guys are all makin some good progress.
Yeah, I got it yesterday :) looks good so far, but I'm probably just biased toward GW.
Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed I like these apparent changes. It stills keeps a lot of free will with what you can do as far as...
There are a few too many cold ones for my taste. I'de ditch the six and add some saurus warriors, cuz it's good that you added skinks but you...
I think the engine of the gods is your best bet. It's pretty frickin amazing :D
Actually Stegadons were to if you go by the lizardmen army book. It say "Stegadons are a race of mighty beasts that has dwelt within the primeval...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog (Image Intensive) WOW :jawdrop: Those skinks look amazing :D I love how you substituted Kroxigors for the...