Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog (Image Intensive) Looks great so far :D I love when people take there color schemes from real living reptiles.
Wow, Great job! :D Can't wait to see it painted.
Good for your first list ;) Should be a massacre, now you just gotta hope he has enough fun to come back for more.
Well GW has "Mines of Moria Stone dwarven rune dice. They're pretty cool and they are D6 :) here's the link, hope it helps....
Thanks man :) These are awesome
Engine of The Gods for the win!
Agreed! We need both plastic terradons and Kroxigors. 17 and 20 dollars a model? That's ridiculous!
I heard Horrors and plaguebearers are being converted to plastic kits like bloodletters and daemonettes. This is most likely because of the huge...
I tend to use strictly GW paints and supplies for the most part. While they are a tad over priced, They are great quality and make it universally...
Wow Strew.. That looks amazing! Great conversion :D
No problem Suppe, I'll just change you're pledge lol these things happen and I have no problem with people asking to do so ;)
First one done! And those Kroxigors look frickin amazing! :D
Yep, specific army book rules supersede general brb rules in situations like this.
Yeah, I think that Strewart is rght. They will probably introduce a new model or 2 but for the most part, I think it will just be metal to plastic...
Great job! Love the Dryads :D
Well hello to you to. Good to see another player enticed into playing the scaley folk :D I guarantee IG will be the furthest thing from your...
I agree with Arsenal lol this is the most original idea I have seen in a long time and it looks great :D I can't wait to see the whole army!...
Sorry bro, but it doesn't come out for almost two more years. They have been talkin about it for a year and a half, but all they have given us is...
Congrats man! I'll have to pick up a copy :D
Wow :D Looks great! I really like the massive mountain and mine.