Looks great!
I have a feeling that this is gonna great! Can't wait to see some WIP pics :D
Hell $40 will work lol That's about what I was thinking as well.
I usually try to get an Idea of what the buyer thinks is fair :D I'm not all that attached to them so What do you think is a good price?
Crisis Battlesuit Commander Crisis Battlesuit (Custom pose) Crisis Battlesuit (Custom pose) 3 Stealth suits 1 old metal Stealth Suit 4 Gun...
Sounds great so far guys! :D
Alright, It's added to the list! :D
And No Skrox, They are normal quality. The reason they are lower quality in BFSP is because you are getting 100+ miniatures plus tools and a...
I second the battalion box idea. Great to start off with cuz you can just convert a saurus cav into a scar-vet and wholla! You have a small army...
Looks great, I'm gonna have to make my own. Thanks :D
I want one! lol Great Job, thats pro! :D
Great pledges guys, keep em coming! :D
Well, Since Nobady has posted a painting pledge for may, I guess I will follow in asrodrig's footsteps lol Just tell me what you're pledge is...
Great job! I love the wings :D
He isn't a dedicated author lol He's actually a lawyer. He has a website were he publishes all of theses stories about his college days and the...