Thanks for that, I'm not the best with languages unless it's coding lol
Just compare there prices to companies like Mantic. I looked on there site, 100 'clan warrior' Dwarfs for £50. At GW it is £20 for 16 therefore...
I agree with the lore idea, I remember in 5th edition there was a high spell you could cast that moved hills, and there was one that the mage was...
I've never noticed it before, I just didn't understand how they could explain how they are increasing certain sets when nothing has changed to...
Been looking on the UK website and some of the box sets have had random increases in price, Is this going to be a new trend? the price increase...
If he has it in a unit of white lions beware when doing the skink chief tactic. There WS5 and S6 striking first. Also Teclis wounds on a 2+ and no...
I worked it out for GBP and in Aus your paying over £40 more than us, thats just insane :/
I went to a local stockist(not GW) today and he said GW had given him some to paint up and show to customers, and so far it didn't bode well...
going back a few editions(all the way back to 5th lol) and the only cavalry we had was skinks on cold ones, the saurus idea is pretty new in that...
If only mantic made lizardmen... GW are going completely over the top now, there is a recession going on at the moment and purchasing anything...
converted to GBP thats £44 and it used to be £30, thats ridiculous :/
I think that will do that will pretty much any hero :P
only: Settra, Khalida, Arkhan, Tomb King, Nekaph, Ramhotep, Tomb Prince, Tomb Herald and the Necrotect. so it's mainly special characters and then...
Is that USD?
I don't think there is any real bonus, and the only reason you need to buy these models is if a) you play at Games Workshop stores as they won't...
he's a hero, can be the bsb, has to be in the same unit, and you can kill him off like any other first, has 2 wounds
I agree mantic miniatures are nice and incredibly well priced. the TK's are getting some of these, 3 ushabti for £30 yet 3 trolls/minotaurs are...
Ah sorry, didn't see it :P
Does anyone know if were getting anything new from the fine cast range? I know TK's are getting some and some others but I haven't heard about...
TK are effected by poison so camos will work very well, but only if they have some big nasty things, as they have low armour saves on most parts....