I would love a unit of 20 slann :D And there doing that cause they need the money, afterall it is a business for them.
My army isn't up to scratch for tournaments at the moments, I don't really want my first game with Lizardmen to be at one :/
I know the feeling, I only seem to play a Dark Elf player (Which has no gone and joined the army so I have no one now) It's so frustrating cause...
Wouldn't they probably do it more like the skaven kits pricing. So more like 20 for £18.20? (the extra random 20p is the stupid VAT rise ¬_¬) I...
Thanks :) will let them know, the battle would of ended alot different if he hadn't done that
He always has had to meet the casting requirement. It says any successful casting roll that includes a double counts as irresitible force. Didn't...
You really need to get the charge in on Ogres cause they can cause so much damage with bull charge. On a side note, I watched someone play Ogres...
That is true, it really depends on the rolls that you make I suppose. Need to test some stuff out cause never played anything smaller than 1K with...
Only problem is the fact that then your general is very squishy compared to if you used a saurus as one. Still would be worth trying, never had to...
Drop the TG and put in another block of Saurus Warriors. If there are any points left over from that get some chameleon skinks to pick of any war...
Thanks for that :) I was scouring the book for ages thinking I was missing something.
It isn't under quick fire and I can't see any special rules for a javelin par the quick to fire :/
looking at the small rule book, all it says is 12" and quick to fire, meaning no movement penalty :/
where does it say about the no long range modifiers? I can't see it :(
I'll have to look when I get home, I may use some javelins if they are longer range cause that's what put me off them
Only problem I had with 5th edition was it was all about the over powered heroes, I played a Daemon army once with a bloodthirster having a...
You should collect the army that appeals to you most. There is going to be no point in you collecting one of the armies if they don't suit how you...
This seems to be really unfair on some armies, there are multiple armies who won't even be able to field a hero with 62 points for example. Really...
The only problem I see with the javelin chohort is the fact javelins have a 8" range, with only moving 6" a turn a range of 14" effectively isn't...
I think at the moment the minotaurs aren't exactly more over powered (both as basic as I don't know what upgrades Minotaurs can get). Kroxigors...