I haven't used the wash on any of them par the priest cause I didn't have time on the unit and I didn't like the standard of the scar veteran. I...
Thanks :) I may have to try that method out on my units :)
[attach] [attach] My Skink Priest [attach] [attach] My Scar Veteran [attach] The unit of Saurus so far
Thanks :) Will post them up soon
Well I play with two different groups and neither really care about models being painted I just wanted my Lizards to be painted unlike about 6K of...
I try to do that method it's just I am not a brilliant painter so I take ages to make sure everything is done properly. I'm just going to have to...
I have 33 Saurus to paint currently, and it's soon to be 49 as I need the rest for my 2K list. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips to...
I don't know if this is a little late to be saying but a good place is a pet shop ( I know it isn't a usual place really). The pet shop I help at...
I wouldn't rely on the lore of metal for the high elves being heavily armoured, everything has a 5+ or worse unless it's heroes or cavalry so it...
There rare, and it's a upgrade for them, with that weapon they end up costing 20 points per model, and there very squishy(T3 and light armour)....
Thanks for that, can now prove to him I was right :)
Nah it's just that extra attack, I tried it with every other attack and ended up doing 3-4 attacks extra in the end in play testing.
Thanks, I was trying to tell him but then he just ranted complaining that he was right.
Over the last few months I have been creating my own army list (ninja's). I have gotten to the stage of wanting to play test them and I was...
It's a legal move but I think it's more of a at places such as tournaments some players will say it's unsportmansly to do where as if your playing...
My friend is trying to tell me he can use a spear and a hand weapon on the same turn rather than using his shield because a spear isn't stated to...
What is wrong thread?
Magical interference: Wizards cannot choose magic armour unless they have an option for 'normal' armour. (page 172 of the mini rulebook don't know...
When there was a dogs of war army they had a unit of pikemen in that army....
I'll split the chameleons into two units of 5, and I was going to run the Salamanders as two units of 1, I just put them like that as I just...