Your scar vet is begging for light armor and your army would really benefit from a battle standard! Just my $0.02.
The enchanted shield isn't the best pairing for the fence's can't use both at the same time! Just my $0.02....
Idea forming... 100 skinks, 10 kroxigors, full command, and 7 skink chiefs in horde formation with some beast buffs... IF you can get the...
I disagree. With a 6+ ward save from the engine you don't need the parry save, so you can take the free switch to spears! Just my $0.02.
If the Horn of Kygor affects both rider and mount, and Cold One's get PF, then CoC just got very powerful! As in 7 attacks per model (on average)...
Halberds are not optional for TG, you have then so you must use them. Supported with a Steg or two and light or life magic they are just about...
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea Character can join skirmishers, it is one of the rules that the unit can give a character. Skirmishing...
If I were working with your zone rules and you had 10 skink units holding zones I would make it a priority to kill one skink (or more) per unit in...
EotG or chief on a steg with the other tricksters shard. Impact hits plus thunderstomp with re-roled successful ward saves.
The new screamers are roughly equivalent to flying saurus champions, with a 5+ ward instead of armor and 2 wounds each. Respect them. The best...
Only the direct damage and magic missile spells are flaming. So no, enchanted blades doesn't make attacks flaming. It does let you spank...
Enchanted Blades isn't just about redcing armor saves. It's +1 to hit! It makes attacks magical, too. Toss down 12-14 BP skirmishers and watch...
Re: New Lizardmen Player looking for some advice on 2400pts Cold Blooded + BSB re-roll = most reliable army in the game that doesn't lose the...
You are 10 points too low on the Chief. The enchanted shield uses the 15 point cost from the LM book, not 5 points from the BRB. Of course, you...
I use roughly the same list in the 2000-2500 range Slann, loremaster: life, rumination, becalming, bsb, std of discipline, forbidden rod Priest,...
Since you have TG as wound armor and a LoS save consider swapping Unfathomable for Becalming (the best magic defense in the game IMO). Just my $0.02.
IMHO Life + Cube = dilema... Two good spells in Life are RiP. I love the idea of shutting down the enemy magic phase, but I don't want to remove...
Your Vet cannot take two magic armors. Otherwise looks like a reasonable list.
The Slann MUST be placed in the second rank. Unless you can get him in BtB he CANNOT accept a challenge, since he can't move into the front rank....
If you want to be really evil, how about a life Slann with the extra Pd, Loremaster and a BSB with the Sun Standard and the folding fortress? Put...