For the dragon, use the poisoned giant bow on the steggie (large target +1 to hit). The poison, no armour save, and D3 wounds can be devastating....
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) Oh, one other thing to note, a lot of people think you can't paint over the...
I did a 2-to-3 color mix across all the models in my army, with two colors consistent across the entire army. Skull White & Bleached Bone are...
LoL, that is a great lesson! I guess that could go for any unit really.
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) I paint the strong tone quickshade on, because if you actually dip it you need to...
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) Again, thanks for the compliments. I have been on vacation for over a month, and I...
I went with Bleached Bone, Iyanden Darksun, and Gore Red, with Ice Blue eyes and highlights. I am happy with the results. [attach]
They are totally awesome. I would dearly like to be your friend, and just so you know, my birthday is in January.
The one thing I do that is different, but it's a personal choice, is to run my Saurus in units of 18, which is 3 ranks of 6. This gives you the...
I totally agree. Shooting at 500 points is BRUTALLY effective due to smaller unit sizes and more forced panic tests. At this size you can just run...
I was also thinking about swapping the blades from these to the end of some Krox great weapons. Could make for a unique and brutal look, like...
LoL, all he is missing is the Black Guard with the ASF banner & Tower Master, and then you have a real winner. My suggestions are: -Lore of Fire...
I just saw these online, and I think they could be wicked for Lizardmen hero/lord conversions, and thankfully they are 28mm heroic scale. I...
Yeah, sorry about that. I did mean heroes/lord on foot in a unit. The deal is that most people forget they can charge out separately from the...
The Black Tongue is a 1-use item that turns a failed casting roll into a Miscast, then the Infernal Puppet allows the Chaos player to modify the...
The modelling conversion is great, especially the tails. It's almost hard to tell they were originally plastic skinks. For the painting, it's not...
Since you are combining all different armies, what rules are you using for composition? Or are you just playing with what you have available just...
My two favorite tricks are: Lord with the Blade of Realities and Jaguar Charm: After you lure out your opponents scrolls, and make him confident...
1st list: -The one wasted item I see is the cloak of feathers. I only find the useful for channeling, and without a slann, I can see that 25...
You'd be just gimping yourself not to take other skinks, but if that's your theme, so be it. With the lack of mobility of skink skirmishers you...