I think GW is ignoring Albion at this point. There is no mention of it any of the new books, and they discontinued all the Albion specific minis....
My best advice it to go fast and flank. If they have marks of Khorne with frenzy this is even easier. WoC apart from their fast cav, are easy to...
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) Thanks for the kind words. I personally am very happy with the result, especially...
For sand and small rocks, I use white school glue, then let it dry, then I put a 70/30 mix of White Glue/Water on top to seal it. After that you...
Totally awesome! "Hey Elfy, I'll be taking that! *poison stab*"
n810 is correct on this one. You can lawyer it all you want, but in any tourney you play the list reviewers and refs will count it as a shield...
LoL, can do! I would go with option #1 and castle up to the engine, using the skinks to redirect. Watch your flanks though, you are very exposed...
I find Skrox useful for flanking, just like the regular Krox. The difference is you get a 4+ ward save for the Krox essentially vs regular...
You can still do this, they just would be separate units. Skink skirmishers are about one of the best screens in the game for the points.
I personally wouldn't go so far as to say Wood Elves are the easiest. If you run a mad cheese list of Slann+TG, 2X EotG, More Stegs, etc then most...
Just missing the tails, but I don't think anyone could complain. Could just be a defective spawning, lol. The other issue is the lack of great...
Hello all, Here are some photos from a recent tournament in New Zealand called Equinox. One guy brought a Daemons of Chaos army, but it was...
I have always played the individual misfire per Sally/Razor in a 3 strong unit. No one has ever lawyered the opposite. It doesn't state at all in...
It all depends on your enemy. The bolt thrower is GREAT against large targets multi-wound targets. Especially with the +1 to hit. Combine that...
Don't forget the value of fear. Failed charges, and auto-breaking go a long way, even in today's realm of many ItP armies. The other thing they...
This correct. The key point being that the unit that wants to must WIN. If it's a draw, or if the flanked unit loses and holds, they remain flanked.
Stupidity at this level can be a HUGE liability due to the fact of the open playing field and you can't protect them. One failed check can cause...
Depends on what you are facing. The Salamander is not worth it at this level in my opinion as there isn't much to hit. A big block army where...
Awesome, thanks for the clarity on that one. Greatly appreciated. Did not know the US4 point. Thanks again!
EoTG is Engine of the Gods. It's the upgrade for a skink priest that doesn't eat up any slots. I didn't know you were playing at 1k pts. That's a...