Here is the insight that I have to offer. They have no big blocks really, mainly skirmishers. You won't face Eternal Guard (WE spearmen...
Re: 8th Edition That would be nice, but that we require a complete rehaul of every army book though. I know it's a rumor, but that would seem...
Even though he is a different base size? Don't you have to be like-sized models?
Does a Slann that is nestled away in his block of TG get a 'Look Out Sir Roll' for things like template hits?
They roll an artillery dice worth of hits. My question is, are they automatic hits, or do they roll to hit like Empire Hellblaster Volley Gun?...
If they were iItP, I think you would only ItP when you fail the stupidity test until the start of the next turn, but before so you are just normal.
thats a good point. I was up against Orcs, and the guy got Hand of Gork off on on my unit, 1 model D6 S10 hits. Killed one guy, I panicked, fled,...
I suck so bad at Mathammer... I have no idea why I though 1/3 was smaller that 1/4. Too much time spent painting and not enough gaming,
This also allows for the solo terradon to get a chance to rally. If you have a unit of three, lose two of them, the and are fleeing, I am pretty...
Thank you gentlemen, you have been most helpful as always!
Thanks, I assumed it worked this way but I wanted to be sure. The Army Builder software I use marks it as invalid when you select the Staff plus a...
This is a magical weapon, a staff, and goes off in the shooting phase, so it's like a bow/gun etc. Now a character can only use their magic...
Standard color scheme, but done really well. I think you pulled off the Skink eyes really well too, most people falter on that. I would suggest...
it's a pretty unique look. I like the color choices, reminds me of World of Warcraft Night Elves (I have seem some WE armies use these colors). I...
You can check the link to my paint log below. I use the Army Painter Strong Tone over just a basic layer of paint. For some larger units, like the...
Hey Strewart, thanks for the help on this one. Here is the direct link to the large image I want to scale. It's a scan from one of the old rule...
Hello, I am trying to scale an image for my signature using , but I can't seem to size it down. When I upload an actual smaller image, it...
I second that, I have several KR multicases and they are amazing. You can get them in North America for around 25$ from FRP Games in California....
Oops! that was a mis-type. The non should not be there as it was built from old GW parts. Wow that was bad. Sorry... I will edit...
One of the best things about them that people forget is that they have the feigned flight rule like fast cav. So you can bait units and redirect,...