I saw this army on eBay with a guy who claims his army always wins. The points are little ridiculous at 2,500+, but still there is something I saw...
I really like the look, totally a top notch job. I especially love the Waaaghzag mask on the Skink Priest and your troll/krox conversion. Any...
I second that 'word'. Thanks again for the help!
Thanks for the replies. Those surely answer question 1, how would you guys play out question number 2? 2. If you have unit of 3 beasts + skinks,...
Ohh, this one gets awfuly deep into rules lawyering but I like it! I agree here, I think each skink, including the hero would have an extra...
The thing to remember here is that fear tests are only ever taking if it brings you in contact with a fear causing enemy. In the case of Skrox you...
Here is the scenario. The unit is skirmishing, and someone charges the unit but comes in contact with the furthest skink from the beasts...
According to what I read it was scratch built from old GW parts and lots of sculpting. Still amazing. In the book they call the beast the...
You mean this fella here? Back of the Lustria campaign book is where the images are. [attach]
One way is to drop the Slann and EoTG and make a Rush N' Rend army thats quick enough to get to the enemy before you get shot up/magicked to...
I don't think that sportsmanship plays into it in terms of score. I always viewed sportsmanship more as letting people get away with things they...
Re: 8th Edition Maybe it's just crap, but I heard a rumor that it had to do something with copyright law in the UK. Something about having to...
If you had an army without a Slann, is it ever worth taking the Temple Guard? Are they ever useful on their own when compared against getting reg...
The is no penalty for range, stand and shoot, or move and shoot on a Razordon. You always hit on a 4+ regardless of your action, though you do get...
No, it's the Coatl. Here is the scan, sorry it took so long. It's from the Chronicles 2004. The same book has a list of an all dinosaur army....
I love the skinks. I am totally going to use the Light Wizard staff head for a staff. Looks so awesome and totally fits the fluff! Great work...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update Full Army + More!) Again, sorry for the long delay, but I have managed to completed some new...
I did mine in Beige and Red, but I carried that theme across all the 'beasts' in the army. I am pretty happy with the result, even it's pretty...
Overall it looks good. Very traditional colors true to the army book. I do really like how the blue frogs appear to glow. As a suggestion, I...
That feathered creature, the Quatl, actually has stats and a converted model in one of the Warhammer Annuals. I forget what year. When I get home...