There actually was a GW/Citadel giant bird miniature back from their early endeavors (before slotta bases). One was on eBay, I had bid on it, but...
Re: Xlanhuapec Lizardmen Army Log (Pic Heavy) I really like your color choices, and the focus on gold as the offset metallic color. For the Chief...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC Unit Complete) Hello again, Ok, here is big update. Not only did I finish a Scar-Vet and a...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC Unit Complete) Ironically enough, when I mounted the STD guy and got it all lined up, he was...
Woo-hoo! My posts have had some value to the board! I like the look alot, and I agree that dressing up the base a bit more could be nice,...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC Unit Complete) Can do, I will set up something tomorrow or this weekend and get the full...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC - DE Cold One) I finished up the CoC unit in full with the standard. CoC Standard Bearer...
Which Hell Dorado mini are you using, and where did you buy it from? I am having a hell of a time finding Hell Dorado mini's in North America....
Can you post a pic of the original model without the conversion so we can see the differences? That's an old model and it would be good to have a...
Here is the makeshift Tri-force.... [attach] [attach] I am really enjoying the Red Gore and Ice Blue contrasts as well.
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC - DE Cold One) So I wrapped up the rest of the unit. I am just waiting for the Standard Bearer...
I was thinking of doing something hardcore, like the cloak of feathers, but as a giant sheet. No frigging clue how I would make that. That would...
Yeah they do, but you only add up their US for the fear check, so you are looking US3 per Krox. Unless you big time load up on Krox you won't...
Fully agree there! Terradons become essential at harassing fast units and high toughness/ low armor units, like the new Razorgors in the beastman...
Assuming you were fighting an army that wasn't ItP, like VC's, wouldn't putting a BSB with the fear banner in a huge unit of skinks with 1-2 Krox...
The best thing about the EoTG is protecting your Priest from challenges since you can have another hero or champ accept in his place. It also...
Do you have a plan as to the logo/graphic you would put on the banner? Something straight up Aztec or more something from the army book? I like...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC - DE Cold One) It's totally the quickshade that makes it glossy. I was going to try the matte...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC - DE Cold One) Here is another example of a model without, and then with the quickshade applied...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC - DE Cold One) I cut down the saddle on the DE Cold One, and filed it down after that. For the...