Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC - DE Cold One) Thanks guys! It's just Gore Red, two thin coats, no highlights, and then an...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update Priest n' Krox) Hello again. I recently decided to take on some CoC and it has proven to take much...
You only test for stubborn on your own leadership, so the Steg would still test on the 6. (removed by bad rule quotation...) Also, the best...
No, didn't use the rule on the charge, but on the turn after. It was a prolonged multi-unit combat. Lasted about 3 rounds, and was still there at...
Is that how it's played in tournaments, such as the Indy GTs or Fields of Blood or anything? I want to post this link to a pal of mine who would...
Wow 116, that's hardcore! I only had 2 units of skinks, and went Steg heavy when I used him. What about using him as a mobile BSB to put the...
If you dropped the Staff of the Sun and went with Venom of the Firefly Frog and a Blowgun, you essentially have a major pest against any unarmored...
Has anyone ever completed a unit in the lizard army that used a conversion with a more traditional cloth style banner rather than the solid...
In a combat, where a unit of spearmen are charged, and the 1st rank is wiped out, does the 2nd rank still get to strike back? Or can they not...
Has anyone ever fielded the horned one? And if so, how did you use it and the hero/lord it rode in on?
Re: Lizardmen army photos. Washes are already pretty much colored water. You only need to thin down the paint. The OLD GW washes were really...
Re: Lizardmen army photos. A glass, some paint thinner, wait over night, then take an old toothbrush to it, then repeat until you think it's...
Re: Lizardmen army photos. I usually do one of a few methods to thin down the paint depending on how much painting i need to do. If it's just...
I must say, I do love to see the Math-hammer. You are very impressive indeed!
Re: Lizardmen army photos. I like the color choices, almost like fire lizards, with the red and black. First off I can see that your paint is...
I just wanted to see the boards feeling on running units of 6 cavalry instead of the minimum 5. I have found the 6 CoC unit, although mildly less...
And, in a worse-case scenario, at the very least they help cover two table quarters for VPs.
I had a thought the other day about theses special characters and new armies, especially Beasts of Chaos, that allow for units to enter from the...