Curious.. I've seen it stated that the chief on a terradon joining a unit will have them lose their fast cavalry rules. I'm not certain why this...
Okay... something I haven't been able to figure out. Are people just realizing now how good Salamanders were from before? Or is there some rule...
Isn't there rules reading the opposite though for characters joining flying units at least (or is it fast cavalry rules)? I'm pretty sure that...
Yeah... in 7th ed I preferred 6x3... but 8th I'm looking at no more than 5 wide now so I get a minimum of 4 ranks to start. Too many attacks...
So I flipped through an 8th ed preview copy today... and noticed something. Javelins are listed as having a 12" range now (I'm a bit out of...
8th edition, we're back to a single attack in the second rank and beyond. Spears are listed as providing an extra rank of 'supporting attacks'....
I'm curious if anyone's ever played it like this, or if I'm trying to be too much of a rule lawyer... Wording of the spell is 'This spell gives...
As pointed out, the scar vet kit is technically illegal. Hide of the Cold Ones is heavy armor, so can't be combined with light armor. Dropping...
Latest rumour again for 40k, is that Grey Knights will be before Dark Eldar... For Fantasy, I've heard any of Orcs and Goblins, Ogre Kingdoms,...
Remember that characters must charge out of a unit if frenzied and there's someone in range - so you're going to need to be very very careful that...
Well I think it's a viable question as from what I understand, in the previous edition that used % based caps there was a separate limit for...
Another rumour that's become more specific lately is in regards to the multiple ranks attacking... which is that anything outside the front rank...
On a sort of related note... In unit vs unit combat - if your champion/characters are in base to base contact, can you direct attacks at the...
I think what he means if I'm reading the situation right is that if the sally was in range - would the charge only fail and stop 1" away [or more...
Based on a thread from warseer... it sounds almost like they're trying to make Fantasy into the red-headed lovechild of 40k and WotR
Just a couple quick thoughts... Looking at the models... why worry about attaching any arms at all? It looks like the gargoyle wings have claws...
The only thing is, skirmishers line up to the charging unit - so it's mostly dependent on how well you can force your opponent to have to turn...
Curious - are the skinks ranked, or skirmishers? And was the scar vet deployed in one of the warrior units? A bit hero heavy of a list, but I can...
Yeah... if you need 7+ to hit, you don't poison. If you're shooting on a 6, and roll a 6 - they're rolling their armor save (if applicable)...
Monstrous mounts don't grant the rider a save. So that shouldn't be a problem there... although... stegs do kinda don't they? Wouldn't that suck...