You know my biggest deterrence to trying out a skrox group? It works out to being the most expensive monetary investment in a unit pretty much,...
Got some good painting in tonight, really like how my priest turned out... [attach] [attach] Also finished up my salamander and his handlers,...
Well in the slann's case - it specifically states in its rules that it replaces a 2x2 block and counts as those units for rank and file. That's...
I've heard just adding a small touch of liquid dish soap will have the same effect as adding the varnish. But really I think the ones you see...
Is that actually the case? I don't have the book handy, so I can't remember if there's a special rule for mounted scar-vets, but typically I've...
Sorta related to the discussion, but does the skirmisher rule overrule the 360 LOS for >US1 models? So for example Salamanders I've been playing...
Thanks for the feedback... Hrrm... I actually was thinking it was an extra attack of BBoC destruction, I'll have to play with the exact army...
Looks like a fun list... I might have to try it too, I just posted a couple 1000 point lists myself yesterday with terradons included, but was...
I'll throw this question into the terradon topic... How do you resolve what direction a unit flees if they fail a panic test due to casualties...
So I'm still fairly new at this whole thing, and so far been playing about 750 points with all skinks. Looking to start playing a few more...
Thanks, I was trying for a red iguana look, that was my inspiration with the colour scheme anyway... not sure if I want to go the same colours...
Well... fairly new to the whole painting thing, so thought I'd start up a post to show off my army as it gets built up and so I can over time see...
I'm curious - is it legal for a Slann to take a magic weapon? I've seen something similar suggested somewhere else, but others shot the idea down...
Only problem with relying on poisoned attacks, is you're still having to deal with armor saves. Playing around, I kinda like Bane of Revered...
Re: April Painting Pledge! I'll have my 1000 point army assembled (Finish assembling my terradons (4), build about 18 saurus warriors with...
With respect to Black Tongue/Infernal Puppet... plus a Cupped Hands. Since they're all out of sequence plays, I'd say they'd operate in the order...
Regarding corsairs. They have a sea dragon coat which gives them a +2 save vs shooting and spell attacks (and +1 vs close combat) - which makes...
I'm a new player to warhammer - picked up lizardmen as my first army and been able to play a few smaller battles so far. Just working my way up...