The next few days Yattex’s mind was occupied with the clue. This was the answer to all of his searching, if only he could solve it. Continuing...
Yattex had been in the jungles for many days now with his fellow skinks. He was part of the garrison at the mountain fort of Chiqawa on the...
Seeing as the skinks were unable to truly kill the vegetative monstrosity, Hzutli decided to use his sword in an axe-like fashion. Taking it in...
I hate it when O&G have a good day. I had one battle against them when a unit of 5 savage orc boar boys WAAAGHED, then charged my unit 24 of...
Hzutli felt good to be back in the jungle. Although he was happy that he had killed the servants of the rat god, it was still nice to be out of...
((i posted my score but then read the PM part. So this is just an edited post that i don't know how to delete.))
Seeing new opponents worthy of his skill, Hzutli was glad to fight. The last encounter only invigorated him more since he didn't get to kill his...
Seeing Huaroc take aim, Hzutli crept up on the rat that Xa had punched. The creature was clearly disoriented so Hzutli had no trouble ending its...
Hzutli was unfazed by the quick engagement with the ratmen. The skinks had definitely proven their worth on this dangerous mission. Sensing a...
((sorry I missed the whole battle guys, I've been very busy with school and scholarships.))
Surprised that the fall wasn't as hard as he initially thought, Hzutli then recognized the scent of the vile ratmen and flew into a rage. How...
((OOC: what would happen to me? I only have 2 skill points left.)) Hzutli saw the cliff collapse and knew that he was in trouble. He did...
And that my friends is why I don't own a cell-phone.
Re: April Painting Pledge! Pledge I will finish 10 of my temple guard by the end of April. This is exactly what I've needed to get my army done.
Going on what Hunted said, Minotaurs are always vicious while kroxigors are only in battle. I believe that the minotaurs deserve to be better...
WOW... That is amazing! What was your list for the tournament? I see 3 skrox units, some skirmishers, a salamander and 2 EotG, but what was it...
I don't mean to get off topic, but how does the reverse ward save work?
Seeing Ilok's dilemma, Hzutli decides to quickly grab him by the shoulder with one hand while reaching out towards Hexec with the other. Then...
If you look on your post about a request, I have suggested an idea of mine. It involves "sea lizards" per say. You should check it out. It's in...
1) How about the empire free company? They are supposed to be newly recruited/drafted peasants that are forced to serve as auxiliary. If you look...