Some of our units can get it Vs Skaven. (skavenpelt banner). But unless there is a spell, or item, the only way is magical terrain bonus. I...
I have at least the other one, I used one of them on my cav, but I think there are 2 in the kit, did you need the arm and pole to go with it?
I probably would not take a slaan at this point, Slann are good, but its the addins that make them really worth it. In a 1200 point army I can...
Thanks fixed it.
I am playing a 2000 point low magic game this weekend and am looking for a good build for an oldblood on a carny. I have 500 points total to...
Im going to agree with forgottenknight. Looking at the rulebook now, if the slann is in base to base then no casting (unless otherwise specified)....
Beautiful work man. Though I must ask what paint you used on your cold ones...I want to steal that scheme for mine =P
This is interesting as I am going to take a carny over a slann to a 2000 point game and then a tourney. Here is the build I have: (cap is 500)...
That is fantastic. I am now resisting the urge to try to do something similar...... :D
Are you playing with only 2 units? what is the point value. A TG Bunker with ether a life slann or a Skink Priest would make a solid defense and...
This is really going to come down to your opponent. Each lore has its strengths and weaknesses. There are no bad lores, there are bad times to use...
I would drop Plaque for some defense. He has 4 spells and even with a max pool (12 dice) that is 3 dice (4 with discipline) per spell (assuming he...
Thanks Ill take more pics of the next game. I have to say the Salamanders were my fav unit of the fight, they broke a unit in turn one and would...
Scenario: Assaulting force is trying to capture a relic within a town. Part I is assaulting up to the wall of the town. Victory Condition: Most...
At 1200 points you would get 300 for "Lords" 300 for "Heroes" Slann is 275 base, leaving you 25 points to buff him.
Hello, Im a new player. I have been playing for a couple of months now and have just hit about the 2500 point mark for models (not that many...