Considering the army books being about 22 Euros as opposed to 25 $, I'd guess the new rule book's price will be a little less in euro than the...
Since I didn't manage it last month, I pledge to finish my Slann this month. Also, I'll assemble my new 10 Temple Guards
I should get the last parts for the armor on June 7th, so I'll post pics of it then, but in the general chat forum, so as not to anger the mods...
Thank you. I have to admid, I was really surprised how good the bone turned out myself. I just painted the back with bleached bone, washed it with...
Remember me? After a little vacation and between a few things I had to do for work I managed to give you finally another slann-update! Wheee!...
Thanks for the advice, Dumbledore, it worked quite well, though I'm not sure if you can see it on the picture. I used a goblin green/putrid...
I pledge to finish my slann.
I started working on the slann, using a jungle-frog-color-scheme: [attach] Now that I see them both next to each other, I think I could try to...
Thank you, Strewart, I hope it works out as I imagined. Today I finished the underside of the palanquin and the base so that I could put them...
Re: April Painting Pledge! When I wrote that I'd be "basecoating" my skinks I thought it meant just painting them black, but now I read that what...
So, finally I started painting: [attach]
The hole is two bases deep in my model, as it goes through the 25 and 40 mm bases that I used as the underside of the palanquin. The hole is quite...
Thanks for keeping me motivated, Aranigej :-) Today I tried my green stuff skills and managed to put a couple of vines on the palanquin. Also, I...
Do you give your characters names? I do, even if I'm not calling them on the battlefield. However, I found an interesting site about Aztec or...
Finally I got to start working on the slann. It's just a little update, but better than no progress. As soon as the green stuff is hardened I'll...
I like the idea too, and I should have the older army books somewhere at my parent's. Are we allowed to post pictures of lizardmen glyphs that we...
I just read the newsletter too. I guess it was quite a bad timing to buy the 7th ed. BRB this weekend...
I don't think you need to do something to your scar veteran, he is also great the way he looks (nice work with the green stuff and the lounging...
Thanks Craken and Aranigej, I think I'll try something from both of your ideas and give him a plaque in both his hands, so that he is holding it...
Thanks for all your nice comments, they made me smile like a slann! With „current models“ you mean the skink on the new slann model? The plastic...