If this in the wrong place, please tell me. Looking through the web I found a list of Lizardmen cities in the Southlands. I also found that the...
Sounds interesting, how would it work?
Besides the part about there being some far flung cities from back when the old ones were around, I don't know any specifics. However, I am...
Do not have any models yet. Making myself get some more empire finished (have about 1250pts painted, about that many unpainted) before I do any...
Hey all, new around these parts. I looked through the board and found some 1000 point lists but not any 750 point lists. I will be proxing these...
Yep, that's why I'm thinking of using the fluff of some long lost southland city for my army. When the city fell into the sea, the communication...
Thanks fellas.
Hey all, Nice forum you have here. I spend most of my time over at warhammer-empire.com but am in the process of starting a lizardman army. I...