For me, and this is just how I run a slaan, but I would drop focus of mystery. I've never thought it was worth one of the discipline slots b/c a...
Hey guys I just had a great game last night against a brettonian player, both my first game against brets and his first against lizards. I had a...
Hey guys, I need some help with this 2000pointer i'm putting together. I've never made a lizardman list this large before and I'm not exactly sure...
Alright, if I had a hat, I'd take it off. I've always wondered why people won't try an all skink army. O/G players do goblin only lists all the...
I've got to say man, I love your choice of colors. The albino deal looks great, especially on skinks. The contrast agaisnt the dark blue terradon...
I tend towards balance like that. For some reason, people tend to avoid the blade of tzunki and go with either the scimitar of the sun, or the...
Oh, ok, that was my mistake! I thought that any shooting that would require a 6 to hit wouldn't benefit from poison, not just a 7+. Thanks for...
The blade of tzunki does seem a bit redundant when you mount him on a carnasuar. The carny can do tons of damage with high strength attacks at d3...
Always let your Slann throw his spells around BEFORE the skink priests try thier hand at casting. I have had a skink priest shut down my magic...
Ok, after a good few games trying out both mixed skrox units and skirmishing skinks, I keep coming back to the ranked cohorts. I really want to...
This is going to end up pretty unbalanced. Its pretty cheesy with tons of magic users and near minimal core choices for infantry, but what you...
Hey guys, a question for you. Where along the lines did I miss the best cold one model? I've got plenty of the older "godzilla" kind for my dark...
Ok, first off, let me say sorry in advance if I'm missing something obvious here. I was just re-reading a few things in the main rule book and...
Ah this battle ended up going in my favor. Not especially for the right reasons though. I took mostly the list i posted, dropped a skirmisher and...
I'll definately agree with you on the Orcs and Gobbos. Their entire purpose is to get into hand to hand, which is where lizardmen do wonderfully....
Hey guys, i'm just getting back into the army building and I'm starting small with my first list. Its only real purpose is to fight my...
Not bad. It's nice to see a few dark elves that aren't some variation on black. Kudos for that.
In the LM army book, where it highlights Kroxigors, under the Spawn-kin rule, it establishes that a mixed unit of skrox cannot execute a turn...
I wouldn't drop a ranked skink. You need 8 of them for each kroxigor, so you'd have to drop one of them from the unit as well. I have yet to see a...
That list does look alot better. I didn't even think of it the first time I looked at the list, but The cupped hands of the old ones makes that...