sucks that your basings gone....
ya ok. =^_^= ill try some out.
yaya but what do you think?
hey guys. what do u think i should try doing with the rest of the skinks? You chose colours and i try doing it. =^_^=
cool. look prety awsome. =3
Re: Farsights army painting some pics of scar vet could be nice. and try give the gold places some devlan mud, its gonna look a lot more cool then.
thx for the response :)
i know, i havnt got eny wash, but im gonna get some soon! thx for the critic though! could someone plz critic this, cause i dont know what to...
Raider... lol... and again the little skink.
Tryed to make the right-hand spear look more cool. i think it worked out well
so i just finished 1 skink and fiished repainting 1 raider. (raider didnt work well because i couldt apart the parts...
Re: Farsights army painting hehe. i try to find a way how to get it =^_^= :walkingdead:
ps. gonna put my TG champion together in the near future.
i have got some more but i need to repaint them because they look... kinda special.... they were from 2004-5 i think... (my riders) i have...
Re: Farsights army painting where do i buy devlan mud and asurmen blue.... i live in denmark and im actually just realy startet, so i dont know...
Here we go. a little show of what iwe done until now. :D
my first and best (and only, i got it from a friend) TG.
i couldt find a arm so i used my nephews ravenants arm.