Hey everyone.... I'm growing my army very fast. Acquired a second Batallion Box, to go along with 2 boxes of Skinks, 2 Stegadons and 2 Boxes of...
Hey there folks! Hope all is well. Just a quick question - is there ever a time when you would run Temple Guard as a solitary unit? or are they...
Hey everyone, I'm just getting ready to play my first game at 500pts on the weekend. I have a question about movement trays: If I have one...
Hello, This may seem like a really noob question, but can a Skink Priest join a unit of Saurus Warriors? I do have a rule book, and I assume...
Hey everyone! I have a question about the Enchanted Sheild. In the Army Book it says its Armour and gives a 5+ Armour Save. Would this comnine...
Hello... Title says it all: Are the Jungle Swarms worthwhile or a waste of points? I have some of those snakes from the CoC box that I was...
Hey everyone. Slowly building my Cold One Cav. from the Battalion Box and I was wondering if you build yours with the Champion, Standard Bearer...
I'm in too! I need to paint a Saurus unit anyway. I'll submit my pics at once!
sorry about the non-calarification... they are the new ones (from the current battalion) thanks for the adive. I'll see what happens.
Hey everyone forgive me if this is rude, mean or nasty, but I am super frustrated right now... and it really takes a lot to get me riled up....
Hello! I have my fisrt LM game scheduled in about 3 week. I need to put a list together and paint these models! It's my first ever game in a GW...
I'm confused. Are Skirmishers the ones with blowpipes and hand weapons? or do they have the javelins? I read on this very board that Skinks with...
Hey folks, So far my journey into the world of Lizardmen and Lustria has been great fun. Coming 40K, and building my own Space Marine Chapter,...
very funny! Do you mind if I use a bit of one of your pics as my avatar?
Another question, Are they best armed with Spears or HW/S? Build the Cold Ones, just deciding what to arm the riders with. :)
Am I missing something here? In the army book, it says Krox are S4... not S6 (which to me makes no sense since these are much larger creatures...
Hey everone, I've never played a game at a GW store, and since my gaming group is getting smaller and smaller, I think I need to either expand...
That's kind of what I'm thinking. Maybe like a patrol of Marines encouters the Lizardmen race on a new planet, etc. Obviously I wouldn't bring my...
It's funny. right after I posted this, I looked at the Gallery in the Army Book, and saw him under the skinks category. Talk about attention to...
So for those who run with CoC, how many riders do you have? Is 8 enough or would 12-16 be good?