Old blood on carnosaur with piranha, potion of strength, shield, and 5+ ward amulet. Or take the burning blade of chotec if likely to be facing...
Glad to see the lizards triumph over those dreaded skeletons. You mentioned in 'bad bits' that the Stegadon couldn't get any clear shots. In my...
1. Never engage in close combat with Sword Masters 2. Never engage in close combat with a Hell Pit Abomination 3. Don't charge the Dwarf Lord -...
I'll third that. You need a Skink Chief like you need a mole in your head (i.e. not at all). EDIT: Having said that, you may notice I've...
Unfortunately, the Charm of the Jaguar Warrior and the Cloak of Feathers are both Enchanted Items, so cannot both be taken by the same Priest.
Hello! The debate in my mind is over and I have chosen to go with Lizardmen over Dwarfs! Here's my 2000 pt list - any thoughts would be...
I wouldn't mind the silly names if the special characters weren't all spectacularly terrible and 100pts too expensive (well, most of them anyway).
Good point, using the Tricksters Shard can make victory more feasible. I admit I forgot about it as I rarely use it myself, but I might start...
A Carnosaur is easy pickings for a hellcannon or halberd warriors (who strike before it, will wound it on a 4+ and leave it with only a 6+ save)....
Not sure about magic missiles as I don't have access to the Battle Magic Lores, I get a nice S5 Warplightning magic missile, I don't know if any...
If you wound them when they're not in combat they have roll a D6 at the end of the phase, and on a 1 go 'out of control'. This can lead to them...
Hi, any comments on this 2000 point list would be appreciated, thanks. (I haven't started Lizardmen yet but I'm still considering it!) Slann - 2...
You can't have a 0+ armour save any more. 1+ is the maximum. Also, poison does not work with magical weapons (unless the magic weapon itself gives...
I don't think you can give the Slaan a Charmed Shield. He doesn't have an option for mundane armour and therefore is prohibited from purchasing...
Thanks for the replies everyone, definitely some food for thought. I haven't decided one way or the other yet as I don't need to until I'm...
Hi, I collect Skaven and for my next army have decided on either Dwarfs of Lizardmen - something a bit less 'random' than Skaven! The trouble is,...
I like the idea of giving him a Potion of Strength so he is S8 for one turn and can wound any monster in the game on a 2+
Hi, I've created a 2500 point army list - does anyone have any thoughts/suggestion? Thanks Slann - 2 disciplines (focused rumination, focus of...