Transcendant healing is now a complete waste of 50 points, since you cannot take a ward and a regen save. Just an FYI.
Yep, there it is. Spears got the nerf, though it appears to be unintentional and hopefully GW will errata it quickly.
The wording for the spears special rule (and yes the book is sitting right in front of me) is as follows: Spear are long shafts of wood with a...
I know this has been discussed at length, but I simply see no evidence that saurus spears don't get their 2 attacks in the second rank! The...
Is the salamander attack considered a breath weapon and therefore limited to one attack per game according to 8th eidtion rules? If not, please...
Well then, heck yeah chamo skinks are awesome now! Deploy 6 within 12 inches of a 2 crew bolt thrower. Shoot 12 shots first turn. On average,...
Another question... I heard that war machine crews now have the amount of wounds that the crew has and there's no more randomizing. Would this...
Forgive me, but what boost did chameleon skinks get?
Didn't Kroxigar always get 3 attacks each from the second row? or are "supporting" attacks something new that's in addition to their usual attacks?
Thanks for the tip, will have to look into it... Although its my impression that skrox units also got screwed since krox no longer are special...
such bullcrap. Our Saurus core just got weaker since we must now take 3 ranks just to get the same attack output that we used to get with 2....
I do not have the new rulebook yet or I would look this one up, but... How many attacks do saurus spears get now? Do 1st and 2nd rank still get...
I disagree on the jag charm. Cold One adds stupidity so keep that in mind... The odds are that you will fail stupidity test once per game. Can...
yes still poisonous
It would be cool if the opponent got a free attack with anybody that is in contact with the mage that tries to cast a spell during the magic phase.
that's a lot of cold ones... Not my style, but who's to say it won't work for you. The list, however, does appear to be illegal. That stegadon...
well, if he gets him from behind then the slann would be in base contact unless you're running at least 16 temple guard (and none of them have...
8th edition will also make great reach pointless because all second ranks can attack anyway. Maybe we will be allowed to put krox in the third...
I'm considering fielding skrox units just to change things up a bit, but cannot wrap my head around their special rule that says they may not make...
Yes, if it doesn't require line of sight and is not a magic missile, then the mage can cast it even if it is in close combat.