With multiple shots the best you can hope for is 3+ if you don't move and are already 6 inches away from him. This is highly unlikely...
No he didn't... he just said that the troops that are within 6 inches can't shoot... which is why it was still unclear. Thanks for clearing it up.
My question is, can some of the skinks that are outside of those 6 inches still shoot, or can none of them shoot as long as 1 or more is inside...
Can anybody confirm?
If something charges my skirmishers, do all of them have to be more than half the charging units movement speed away, or do the ones that are...
Alright, so in regards to High Elves... Salamanders are not as great as people are saying... They are good because High Elves have toughness 3,...
The problem is that on the turn the carnosaur and stegadon can get their charges, he has open hunting season and will most likely take them out...
That's only if he has the master rune of valaya... still waiting to hear on that. If not, go with the 3 priest comet strategy + lore of life or...
I also hate being subjected to stupidity. One bad roll can screw up your entire gameplan and cost you a precious turn. I would definitely try...
I find high elves to be extremely easy to beat, except for the star dragon. What point level are you playing at?
As a primary dwarf player, I will just say that this list is completely ridiculous. Absolutely no non-shooting units? 2 organ guns with anvil?...
Run a Slann with Death Lore and a Saurus oldblood with jag charm and blade of realities (in 3000 + game) Slann casts doom and darkness on an...
I love popping chariots with my jag charmed scar vet. For those who don't know the rule, one strength 7 wound automatically kills the chariot (no...
I thought this might be the case for the pit of shades, but someone said otherwise in my rules thread:...
Yeah it does... especially if you've got a group of 2 razordons. Odds are fairly high that with 4 rolls you're gonna have a misfire in there...
They stand and shoot using 2 dice.... what happens if 1 is a miscast and the other is a number?
A prince on star dragon is one of the hardest things for me to deal with as a lizardman player. The prince will usually be run with dragon armor...
Alright I lied, one more question but I'll post it in this thread... How about a pit of shades on that same dragon. Do the dragon and the prince...
Last question I promise. Can a portent of far be used to re-roll a 1 when determining how many hits you do? For instance, lets say you cast...
Does the efect of the bane head transfer to the mount? For instance, if I declare that a prince on dragon is my intended target... do I get to...