Would a slann bsb with the battle banner add +3 to combat resolution? +1 for bsb, +1 for banner, +1 for bonus on banner? Can the temple guard...
At 70 points for a unit of 10 its truly a bargain that cannot be passed up. They are great for taking down high toughness monsters, baiting and...
It says that each unsaved wound done by the carnosaur is multiplied into d3 wounds. Lets say he does a wound against a single wound model, rolls...
teclis will kill oxytyl long before he makes it to shooting range (without marching)
Also, remember that the template gets placed exactly in the middle of the unit. If you do this, your slann will be a partial, as will the 8...
Why make up stats for a character you can never use? Forgive me if I'm ignorant, but this seems a waste of time to me.
A star dragon that charges a stegadon will have it dead by his next turn (leaves him free to charge again) and will likely have taken 0-1 wounds....
Bring Terradons.
I don't know much about the hellcannon crew, but if its just a basic warmachine, your terradons should be aiming for it from turn one. That...
Just don't be too surprised when your carnosaur and steggie fail to get a charge against a dragon. Any decent high elf player would never allow...
I'd honestly drop the skink chief. Too many characters in a 1000 points game for my taste!
heh, we already told him in another thread to forget oxyotl (sounds like an acne medication) but he is set on bringing him. I say go for it....
Trust me on this... engine of the gods will eat his knights up.
Re: 3000pt army list cheesy... maybe :L One stegadon in a 3000 point game is far from cheesy. Try 7 instead ;)
Re: 2250pt list friendly Agreed with Erians. Nothing friendly about your list. Bring one engine down to a regular ancient stegadon and you'll...
Quite honestly, I'd sink 390 of my points into a priest on engine. Burning alignment will tear through his knights, expecially when combined with...
Would not have been a star dragon though at that point level. The lower ones are a bit more manageable, I agree... It's just that the star is...
My general belief is that none of our special characters are really worth their points. And, even if the argument for their worth could be made,...
A competent player should be able to easily avoid a charge by either a stegadon or a carnosaur into the dragon.
Thanks for deleting my post without explanation. Great job of moderating.