Right, I always get 3 in there against 2 elf crew. Remember, corner to corner counts as base to base.
Also, why do you say 4 attacks? You should have a unit of 3 which means 3 skink and 3 terradon attacks. Your odds of getting 2 toughness 3 crew...
It is as reliable as anything that has a chance factor. In my last 10 charges against a repeater bolt thrower crew, maybe 3 times did I not kill...
I personally hate skrox units and see them as a big point sink. If It were me, I'd end up dropping that unit and buying some terradons.
Not true... A unit of 3 terradons kills a repeater bolt thrower crew reliably every time. Dwarven crew are a little tougher, but you should have...
Terradons definitely charge the war machine (20 movement speed makes this pretty easy). Chamo and regular skinks, I typically shoot at the war...
How did you lose to high elves? Would you be willing to post your list and his? It seems as though I can't lose to them even if I wanted to. My...
Can you stand and shoot with the multi shot? Rules for multi shot say "some missile weapons enable their users to shoot several times in each...
Temple Guard are definitely not worth it at this point level. Drop em, bring some Terradons or chamo skinks.
The carnosaur attacked the noble. The Saurus old one attacked the phoenix guard.
Ah yeah, I've suggested that but he doesn't want to.
Would have been a victory in my favor still because his super banner was dead, but I suppose I wouldn't have won by as much... He fleed on a roll...
There was no challenge issued because I didn't want him to have the chance to decline. I just directed all of my attacks at the noble. As for...
Yeah that's the unit I was referring to.
yeah these pipes did great for me last night. Killed a handful of swordmasters.
Well, the list scored 2 massacres against high elves last night. There was just too much coming at him too quickly. He fielded 2 bolt throwers,...
Skaven also have a unit that allows the backrow to fire even when the frontrow is in combat... I believe.
I think I shall name this list "The Fast and the Fearious" Will let you know how it goes against High Elves tonight!