Sorry, didn't mention... both priests are lvl 2. You're probably right about going for more attacks being optimal, but the point of this list...
Yeah, the goal here is to use speed as an advantage, getting to the flanks or combining charges so that any big block combat res is neutralized by...
So I grew tired of massacreing my usual opponent with the standard saurus/slann builds and thought I would try something different. The majority...
Yep, that's all I was asking for... a clear cut definition of it actually being a shield and bibamus provided what none of you others could :P...
Sounds good.
Haha, well put him on a Terradon then and charge 20 inches at a time? Armor him up.
What army has this combo?
Consider bringing an Old-Blood with Blade of Realities and Jag charm (or carnosaur) as your Lord Choice. With all the multiwound monsters, the...
That was my instinct. Thanks for the backup!
Allow me to paint a scenario to help guide the answering of this question... A Stegadon charges a unit of high elf swordmasters. The impact hits...
Ok, so just 4+ save for the oldblood then...
What is the unmodified armor save of an oldblood on carnosaur (before you add light armor and shield, etc). Both the carno and the old blood say...
Until they change it to say its a shield (like they do with other magical shields) then it is armor. It says it is armor, therefore it is armor....
True. Re-roll is great.
Nothing better than rolling 8 or 10 on the organ gun against a unit of heavy calvary. Insta death.
Yes, he gets it which dramatically helps with the annoying pit of shades!
Not sure how you can interpret it any other way than how its presented in the book. Unless there's an errata or faq that corrects this somewhere,...
Hey I'm just reading it out of the book. Why would it classify the enchanted shield as "armor" and the other shields are classified as "shields"...
I'm not so sure that the "enchanted shield" is considered a shield though. In its description it says "Armour" whereas the "maiming shield" and...
If I'm using the great weapon, does the enchanted shield still confer the +2 to armor save? A normal shield would not, of course, but maybe...